Sana MAK | 13 years ago
Welcome to Earth.
Loge aisay hee hotay hein... Sometimes, they ask for your opinion, but they probably don't find it suitable to match their criteria or their situation. Hence they discard your opinion.
And then there are those who ask or discuss just to increase their knowledge or just for debating purposes. Maybe that's why they argue until you can or cannot convince them.
And then there are those who just "ask" for your opinion but they don't actually want it. They're probably just tryin to find out what kind of a person you are, and then give totally lame ass arguments simply to manifest their ignorance about the subject.
However, you can't really expect anyone to follow your opinion because afterall, an opinion is your own judgement & we can't really impose our opinions on others... Sad but true :(
That's all I suppose.
Answered by: Sana MAK | 13 years ago