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Engro Foods have announced their IPO's, what do you think why one should or shouldn't get them?

Faiq Latifi | 13 years ago

Well, I need justified answers.. I'm too confused in making a decision, coz they are offering it at Rs.15 premium i.e. Rs 25...
Now I had opinions of two different school of thoughts :P some ppl say when they'll open up for trading in the share price will definitely go down and some say vice versa...and both provide good and valid justifications... ab mein kis ki sunon ya??? :O:O
What you guys have to say about this? ANy advice, any suggestion...
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Tags: Business  Events  Culture  Career  Shares 

And one more thing, I would appreciate if most of you guys answer to this query today coz tmrw (7th july) is last date for submission of application...
Faiq Latifi | 13 years ago
when you get the answer, could you please educate me on the subject a bit.
like how when where and why to buy a share. etc :)
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago
Sure I will.. BUh rite now i'm wondering why every Hakim got dull on this question... May be not the question of anyone's interest... :O
Faiq Latifi | 13 years ago
maybe they dont wana get killed for giving the wrong advice :D
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago
Lolzzz... :D I guess you dis is the reason... ;)
No Hakimssss, i wnt killl anybodyyy come on come up with ur answerss...
Faiq Latifi | 13 years ago

Asked by: Faiq Latifi | 13 years ago | Answers: 1 | Views: 6617


2 votes

Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

Answered by: Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

Faiq Latifi | 13 years ago
First of all thankyou for your answer... :) Yar I was thinking of subscribing for 500 shares via 3 applications...means 1500 shares... Buh the problem is how can you say that when these shares will be traded in open market they will be profitable and prove to be a good investment... ?? they are giving IPO's at Rs.15 premium which is too much... and ppl say it'll be traded initially in b/w Rs.15-20... Seedha seedha lossssss :O
and another friend of my brother in law, who is a big player in capital markets... he says that its gonna be traded initially atleast at Rs.150-200... this sounds weird... buh if this happenss then u knw what we gonna do...
And i knw company is in profits since 2009 buh u knw the current market conditions of our country, our economy, the financial crisis nd mr.zardari,,, these are all barriers for public tp put in an investment in capital markets... rite na>
I think the right decision should be like we shouldn't go for big investment right now... we should either buy from open market at lower price or buy them now ...keep getting dividends and wait for new government nd boom of stockss... nd then sale them at highest available price...
Faiq Latifi | 13 years ago
new govt.. ... ... boom of stocks. :|
its a long shot, but lets hope things go that way!
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago
think positive... Pakistan is not as bad as we think... In Musharaf's reign the stocks were on boom... and I'm mentioning a time, 2-3 decades ago... i guess just 3-4 years puraani baat hai... :))
Faiq Latifi | 13 years ago