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Why do males of our culture insult women in every profession may that be engineering or medicine or women driver?

Mahreen Khalid | 13 years ago

This problem is especially in pakistani males.They say they respect there mothers but what about other women in the socity they meet daily and work with them the company pays women employee who are they to pass judjment on here openly in workplaces and offices?

Tags: Ethics 

ohhh, I so want to see what males out there have to say on this :)
Sumi | 13 years ago

Asked by: Mahreen Khalid | 13 years ago | Answers: 10 | Views: 6030


3 votes

Best Answer

Sumi | 13 years ago

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Answered by: Sumi | 13 years ago

yea but still ..you know i can never give long answers :S
Nabeha | 13 years ago
awww....hmmm, it can be learned if you wish to write longer replies. :) sweet
Sumi | 13 years ago
Well explained Sumi and I loved the term u used, bread winner here, I think we shud get over this concept of men are for outside work and women are inner, Both men and women have to work to earn good lifestyle in todays world.
Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago
:) things have changed and they will keep on changing
Sumi | 13 years ago
:) things have changed and they will keep on changing
Sumi | 13 years ago

4 votes

Munahil Murrieum | 13 years ago

Answered by: Munahil Murrieum | 13 years ago

Good one :)
Nabeha | 13 years ago
thanks :)
Munahil Murrieum | 13 years ago

3 votes

Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago

Answered by: Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago

:p lets do it step-by-step and I agree...will share my view in a bit...my laptop just decided to bid adieu - once and for all. :'(
Sumi | 13 years ago
Waiting : )
Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago
Yes you have been right to some an extent men are egoistic but i prefer word jealous here for them as they them self projects this image to there fellow female workers because there judgement is gender dependent ......
Mahreen Khalid | 13 years ago
Oh yes they do get jealous.
Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago
shew, done. :)
Sumi | 13 years ago

3 votes

Hassan Ahmed | 13 years ago

Answered by: Hassan Ahmed | 13 years ago

i kinda agree.. if a man starts alienating or starts acting in a specially different way, even he reports such problems... but i guess its the similar thing that some ladies tend to do that somehow initiates such reaction sometimes. and i am talking about maintaining that 'Exclusiveness of femininity'.
its just one reason.. but on the other hand, freaks would be freaks, regardless of how a lady acts... and the freaks are visible because they show themselves while the silent majority gets blamed for nothing.
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

2 votes

Muhammad Sajjad | 13 years ago

Answered by: Muhammad Sajjad | 13 years ago

Thanks people i really appreciate the the answers above but my point is very straight pointing to Fact that is lacking in the upbring of men in our society you Muslim brothers and sisters are right that women is respected in roles like mother,wife and sister etc but what about a women who isn't linked to a men she is just another working competitor at the work Why they still don't treat them equally....like they treat there fellow men competitors That women still has her individuality i have heard comments from men like Why don't u pack up go home and get married and have children although my works is appreciated by the company and thy are paying me in return.....what sort of upbring tell these men to pass comments and there judgments on working women like us...If mothers can only teach there sons the womens are individuals like men and and they should respect every individual for his work irrespective of his gender these sons would have became better men as working colleagues
Mahreen Khalid | 13 years ago
I agree with Sajjad here
Nabeha | 13 years ago
Thanks Nabiha...
And Mehreen, whatever you trying to say is not a Gender discrimination, it is professional jealousy. Whatever his/her gender is, we always feel bad whenever one of us gets bonus, allowance or promotion. It doesn't matter who is he or she but i think whatever you wanna say is beyond the gender.
Muhammad Sajjad | 13 years ago

2 votes

Nabeha | 13 years ago

Answered by: Nabeha | 13 years ago

"Stay calm and answer their comments without thinking that they are superior to you, because they are not."
Thumbs Up. That must be the thinking and believe me, it is the need of time. :)
Muhammad Sajjad | 13 years ago
Thanks :)
Nabeha | 13 years ago

2 votes

Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

Answered by: Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

ohhhh i c i simply loved ur reply as i know u have experienced the same emotion which i felt now that u have excatly hit the spot with the AXE i would ask you was there any national id number specifically pointing at you when i first asked that question? is it me brother generalizing or u? i was talking about male explicitly of our cuture...I know many male out there dont misbehave with women but some do nd why do they do it was the discussion? that women out there was wrong to say all men.
What is the most generalized nd famous line of men of our culture to say when thy see women driving on road.....
LAdies driving the car watch out?????? i am talking abt tat standards i am talking abt that genralization....... dont u think passing such comments insults every women one sitting next to u also.
Mahreen Khalid | 13 years ago
the question was aimed at males... and especially pakistani males. i didnt see any 'some' inbetween. my point being.. if i dont wana be a part of it.. i dont want to be addressed.. and i happen to be a part of the said pakistani males.
however the statement 'some pakistani males' or even 'most pakistani males' would have been pretty acceptable. either you meant it that way or maybe you forgot to write it.
i agree with your last paragraph.. ofcourse it is insulting. blame the guy who does it.
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

1 votes

wakas | 13 years ago

Answered by: wakas | 13 years ago

1 votes

Umar | 13 years ago

Answered by: Umar | 13 years ago

0 votes

Awais Amjad | 13 years ago

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Answered by: Awais Amjad | 13 years ago