Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago
To fix a marriage in age of infancy is big NO from me, I dun knw why do people do that? I mean
- At that time you dun even do how long they gonna live, Actually I have heard some stories where the girl remind un married bcz her fiance died in his teen age, and she cud nt marry anyone else then.
- to marry someone is not small decision, you have some sorta standard set for that person, what if there two are completely different people and nothing in common,
okay now the ques is, most of the marriages in our society are arrange, and there are also dun really know the person, but at least in adult age you know urself and u have an idea what sorta marriage you can have with this person, even if you hv seen a lil of him/her.
People who fix marriage at early age are the one that dun want there kids to marry out side the(extended) family, I have personally seen examples where they HAVE to do it bcz it's a tradition or they wont find good guys/girl in family if they delay, trust me, they also dun like this thing and agrees that they have to face so many prbs as parents. they are forced to do it even they know there are some medical risks in such marriages. It's a mind set which people need to change, and the point is how people gonna change it? what shud one do if his/her marriage has been fixed at that age and now he/she wants to break it. Discussing it with the parents or elders ( actually the dadas and dadis are the ones who fix these sorta marriages) and showing them the dark side of it wud help or u never know, maybe that person is right one for you : )
Answered by: Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago