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What does 'made for each other' means in real world?

Nabeha | 13 years ago

How can one be sure that He/she is the 'right' one to spend your entire life with? I know its obvious in movies but how can we know it in real life

Tags: Relationships 


Asked by: Nabeha | 13 years ago | Answers: 6 | Views: 4286


3 votes

Best Answer

Sumi | 13 years ago

Answered by: Sumi | 13 years ago

You didnt .. What does strong foundation means? knowing the other person before marriage?
Nabeha | 13 years ago
:) With strong foundation I meant: (1) the person's own true character (how s/he was brought up and what core values s/he has) and (2) the foundation of the relationship (on what it is based).
I personally do not think that one could know any human being to such an extent that one could claim to know him/her perfectly and thus be sure of a relationship to work for the rest of of one's life. True nature of a person is OFTEN reflected through actions and speech. When we talk about 'knowing' the other person, we somehow wish to gain some certainty, but there is no such thing, I suppose. Things work out if they are meant to. Apart from that, if you look at the trend 'non-muslims' in Europe follow: many live as boyfriend/girlfriend together in order to know each other better, but it seems that is never 'enough' to convince them to marry each other sooner or later.
Sumi | 13 years ago
Yes .. u r right, Thanks :)
Nabeha | 13 years ago
I was actually waiting for u to answer it Sumi, Good points ! : )
Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago
Sumi | 13 years ago

4 votes

Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago

This answer has been edited by the user

Answered by: Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago

Thanks zainab :)
Nabeha | 13 years ago

1 votes

msaadkb | 13 years ago

Answered by: msaadkb | 13 years ago

0 votes

Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

Answered by: Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

-1 :P
Nabeha | 13 years ago

0 votes

Osama Afzal | 13 years ago

Answered by: Osama Afzal | 13 years ago

Nabeha | 13 years ago

0 votes

Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

Answered by: Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

lol yea
Nabeha | 13 years ago