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3 votes

For guys, all that counts from your wife is if she can cook a decent meal, right?

Sana MAK | 13 years ago

So lets say you have a professionally educated wife. Regardless of how smart she is, at the end of the day you WILL expect her to be able cook up a decent meal, right?

And that's all what will count, hai na?

Tags: Relationships  Culture  Lifestyle  Patti-pattni 

@Nabeha: You can answer too... :p
Sana MAK | 13 years ago
i find the question pretty judgmental... especially from the final word 'right' ...
and in case this was true universally, could it be argued upon, i mean then that would be the case of 'just how they are made'. :P
lol @ patti patni
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago
It's not really judgmental :( Just wanted to know if that's what every guy believes or not =)
Sana MAK | 13 years ago
anyhow one +1 was from me :D
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx :D
Sana MAK | 13 years ago

Asked by: Sana MAK | 13 years ago | Answers: 12 | Views: 12190


1 votes

Best Answer

Naveed Javed | 13 years ago

Answered by: Naveed Javed | 13 years ago

2 votes

Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

Answered by: Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

"but yeah i get your point, why o why does the poor ol lady cook while the gent saab eats to his full... IDK! "
- Because that's what women are supposed to do... regardless of whatever degrees they have :P

Nice chicken bread you've got there... lol :D
Sana MAK | 13 years ago
thanks. next time im gonna add a filling of dry keema fried in onions.
@ thats what women are supposed to do.... heheheh... poor ol women, nobody listens to them.. :P
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago
Nobody listens to them??? Aisa tu nahi hota... Especially when they become a Mom & have a joota in their hand... or a frying pan... or a cordless phone... or a jharoo... lol :D Uss waqt they can aim really well, I can tell you by experience... :(
Sana MAK | 13 years ago
hahhahahah... yeah, i can relate to that too :D
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago
+1 for the chicken bread :p
Sana MAK | 13 years ago

2 votes

Umer Hassan | 13 years ago

Answered by: Umer Hassan | 13 years ago

Lol, yani you want a super woman :D Chalo good luck then, I hope you find her! :)
Sana MAK | 13 years ago
Haha yeah :D INSHA'ALLAH =)
Umer Hassan | 13 years ago

1 votes

Zain Awan | 13 years ago

Answered by: Zain Awan | 13 years ago

So the way to your heart is NOT through your stomach? lol!!!
The first one I've seen so far... Keep it up!
Sana MAK | 13 years ago
haha yeh..
Zain Awan | 13 years ago

1 votes

Nabeha | 13 years ago

Answered by: Nabeha | 13 years ago

finally, a girl who thinks she 'should' cook.. the feminists have affected the brains of many! :P
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago
Nahi I'm not a feminist! Infact, I do sincerely believe that irrespective of whatever education your wife might have, it IS her duty to fix a decent meal at the end of the day. I mean... that's how the world works :)
Some women (& men too) tend to argue with this - whereby the culinary skills should be inversely proportional to a woman's education :p
Sana MAK | 13 years ago
o comon sana, i wasnt implicating anyone :)
not you atleast :P
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago
Lol yes.. The guy should be fully supportive while she learns.. And I agree with Ali, the feminists really have done that :P
Usama Hafeez | 13 years ago
Yes and he should also support in case is she turned out to be not that good in cooking :D and @sana I agree that it is her duty to cook irrespective of her qualification :)
Nabeha | 13 years ago

1 votes

Faiq Latifi | 13 years ago

Answered by: Faiq Latifi | 13 years ago

1 votes

Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

Answered by: Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

1 votes

Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago

Answered by: Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago

I'm no feminist, and I'm not attacking men :/ It was just a general question pointed towards the men so I could know their opinion & know exactly how much good culinary skills matter to them when it comes to choosing a wife for themselves. No offense!

Just the way you've met a guy who gives more importance to intelligence, I've met several guys who give a LOT of importance to being a good cook. Which really puzzled me. It lead me to believe that a man's world revolves around food, food, and more food.

In my opinion, it is not *Islamically* obligatory for a wife to cook & clean, but it is considered a cultural thing, plus, it adds to the relationship between a married couple in a very good way. Personally, I believe that having a decent meal ready at the table, by being well groomed, and by maintaining the house in a spick-and-span condition before your hubby reaches home from work can greatly improve marital ties.

I would certainly not expect my husband to come home from work, and then help me with the jharoo pocha around the house and then cook chapattis for me while I've been home all day being a Begum & watching Desperate Housewives ka latest season. No sensible woman should expect that. It's just not right to expect a husband to do that... unless, of course, I'm a working lady myself.

But then I guess it's our thoughts that make us who we are.
Sana MAK | 13 years ago
Well, yea I agree there but what I meant was that things are changing now, people now want well educated career oriented girls. The concept is changing where the girl shud only do jharu pocha.
Yes It's a cultural thing, I have lived in different cultural of KSA and I tell you things are SO different here as compare to Pakistan. They give separate home to the new couple so such things doesn't exist here at all.
Oh no you got me wrong there gal, I wont say a husband shud also help in household work after office work but if he helps when its needed wud be bad. I have seen my dad helping mom when it was needed. Im only against the concept that "only woman shud do household work no matter what and it's becomes an ego prb for men"
Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago
Sana MAK | 13 years ago

1 votes

Anonymous | 10 years ago

Answered by: Anonymous | 10 years ago

0 votes

Ahmad Hameed | 13 years ago

Answered by: Ahmad Hameed | 13 years ago

Every mom will like a girl who can cook, obviously :P
Nabeha | 13 years ago

0 votes

Waqas Gillani | 13 years ago

Answered by: Waqas Gillani | 13 years ago

0 votes

Osama Afzal | 10 years ago

Answered by: Osama Afzal | 10 years ago