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1 votes

What is the trend of intersect marriages in Pakistan?

Sumi | 13 years ago

What do you think about it?
What have you observed?
When do such marriages take place (special reasons/circumstances)?
...anything else you want to share? Feel free.

Tags: Islam  Intersect  Marriages  Culture 


Asked by: Sumi | 13 years ago | Answers: 3 | Views: 5687


2 votes

Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

Answered by: Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

2 votes

Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago

Answered by: Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago

Such a practical point of view, too bad I had already replied before i read this one.
Awais Amjad | 13 years ago
Thanks : ) btw you can always edit your question by clicking on "Edit" next to your name under the answer.
Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago

1 votes

Awais Amjad | 13 years ago

This answer has been edited by the user

Answered by: Awais Amjad | 13 years ago