Arslan Majeed | 13 years ago
If everything will go fine in our country, then how will we survive !!!
IF there was any possibility of revolution, then we had many occasions, the biggest to name was when just within 2 decades and a little more, just within 24 years before even the silver jubilee, our country broke into two!!
We need problems to fuel our victimized mentality, America, Israel, India, Taliban, Russia are all after us, just because we are some Super natural human beings who would colonize the world if ever let to grow ;)
And then comes our blaming nature.. we blame gov for corruption, while we do it all the time ourself. Like we blame police for taking bribes but on other hand we never blame ourselves for bribing them, instead we behave as victims!
And what is Islamic view point on our situation, i remember 2 things from Ahadith (P.B.U.H)
1- Nations/people will get rulers they deserve!
2- Rulers will be the mirror image of a nation!
All our movlies know these ahadith, yet on every square and on every channel they blame governments, why?
Abuse the government, it sells the best in our country. And thats what media keeps selling all the time.
Things are still better on the ground compared with what is shown on media, because they never show the positive side of a story. The more tense we get, more money channels make!
Who would watch news channels if all they tell are the good things?
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Answered by: Arslan Majeed | 13 years ago