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Does taking life seriously make you a better person?

Usama Hafeez | 13 years ago

Or does reading loads of books make you a better person? :)

Just a debate I recently had with a friend

Tags: Life  Books  Lifestyle  Relationships 

In my opinion, being a better person is something totally different.
Taking life seriously is just a choice you make, has nothing to do with being a better person
Usama Hafeez | 13 years ago
reading a lot of books;)
HaroOn Dilshad | 13 years ago
Anonymous | 9 years ago

Asked by: Usama Hafeez | 13 years ago | Answers: 11 | Views: 3780


4 votes

Aasiyah Espina | 13 years ago

Answered by: Aasiyah Espina | 13 years ago

So true!
Usama Hafeez | 13 years ago
I agree .. so u r saying that an ignorant person is as good as the one who is well informed?
Nabeha | 13 years ago
what im saying is, if we dont set a single parameter like the standard of our religion, our description of a better person will differ.
Aasiyah Espina | 13 years ago
I get it and our religion is even against ignorance :)
Nabeha | 13 years ago

3 votes

Munahil Murrieum | 13 years ago

Answered by: Munahil Murrieum | 13 years ago

Usama Hafeez | 13 years ago

1 votes

Nabeha | 13 years ago

Answered by: Nabeha | 13 years ago

Ok, if he is careless about his surrounding and doesn't think what others think of him, thats his choice. If hes minding his own business, that doesn't in any way affect him being a good or bad person
Usama Hafeez | 13 years ago
If he is minding his own business then he is ignoring rest of the world , which might not be a quality of good person
Nabeha | 13 years ago
Oh I so love disagreeing with this one! See this is the definition of "Selfish" that I love! You can mind your own business without ignoring the rest of the world. You can be selfish AND a good person :)
Usama Hafeez | 13 years ago
That is what YOU think .. In reality, a selfish person is not considered good
Nabeha | 13 years ago
True, but we have a very narrow minded world. We believe everything we're taught without questioning it. So yes, in quotes, "Everyone knows selfish is bad".. Have a look at this: http://wisdomalacarte.net/blog/its-good-to-be-selfish/2011/02/
Usama Hafeez | 13 years ago

1 votes

Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

Answered by: Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

True, but thats how you want to spend life. I wouldn't say its got anything to do with being a good or bad person
Usama Hafeez | 13 years ago

1 votes

Haroon Q. Raja | 13 years ago

This answer has been edited by the user

Answered by: Haroon Q. Raja | 13 years ago

Very well said!
Usama Hafeez | 13 years ago

0 votes

Osama Afzal | 13 years ago

Answered by: Osama Afzal | 13 years ago

0 votes

Aaquib Naved | 13 years ago

Answered by: Aaquib Naved | 13 years ago

Well, i think i disagree with "Everyone takes it seriously". Though some people may be "faking" it, others can be at peace with whatever they do :)
Usama Hafeez | 13 years ago
Hmm. personal observation and not a generalised statement!
Aaquib Naved | 13 years ago

0 votes

angrybridee | 13 years ago

Answered by: angrybridee | 13 years ago

0 votes

Maniha Aamir Barry | 13 years ago

Answered by: Maniha Aamir Barry | 13 years ago

0 votes

Waqas Gillani | 13 years ago

Answered by: Waqas Gillani | 13 years ago

0 votes

ekasha najam | 12 years ago

Answered by: ekasha najam | 12 years ago