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3 votes

happiest moment(s) in your life?

Munahil Murrieum | 12 years ago

not sure, if such question can be asked here or not.
But was just wondering, different sources and reasons of happiness-es :)

Tags: Happy  Lifestyle 

Whats yours, Munahil? :)
Sana MAK | 12 years ago
My happiest moments includes a plate of my favorite food, a call from a friend, who I thought has forgotten me, a praise from somebody unexpectedly (even expectedly: P), even seeing that somebody is happy because you made them so, makes me happy as well
Munahil Murrieum | 12 years ago
Mine are like this too :))
Nabeha | 12 years ago
Munahil Murrieum | 12 years ago
I have to agree with you and Nabeha... it's good to find happiness in small things too :)
Sana MAK | 12 years ago

Asked by: Munahil Murrieum | 12 years ago | Answers: 6 | Views: 4082


3 votes

Ahmad Hameed | 12 years ago

Answered by: Ahmad Hameed | 12 years ago

3 votes

ekasha najam | 12 years ago

Answered by: ekasha najam | 12 years ago

2 votes

Sana MAK | 12 years ago

Answered by: Sana MAK | 12 years ago

Awww sweeet !
Zainab Hussain | 12 years ago

2 votes

Usama Abdullah | 12 years ago

Answered by: Usama Abdullah | 12 years ago

2 votes

Nabeha | 12 years ago

Answered by: Nabeha | 12 years ago

Agreed. A rule to live happy life is to find happiness in small things as well. :)
Munahil Murrieum | 12 years ago

1 votes

Zainab Hussain | 12 years ago

Answered by: Zainab Hussain | 12 years ago