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Is shaving chest hair allowed in Islam?

Anonymous | 13 years ago

Tags: Islam  Hygiene 


Asked by: Anonymous | 13 years ago | Answers: 3 | Views: 8408


2 votes

Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

Answered by: Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

well how about not cutting nails, not having a haircut, not shaving the face, not combing hair... or wear clothes even :|
now thats... the real unadulterated person! :P
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

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Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

Answered by: Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

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Muhammad Faizan Chaki | 13 years ago

Answered by: Muhammad Faizan Chaki | 13 years ago

the side note was just for fun... what i mean is, where does chest shaving get controversial ... i dont get it.
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago
it always was. even the name-sake muslims avoid it.
Muhammad Faizan Chaki | 13 years ago
so if my frend chanda does it.. it means he aint even a namesake muslim :/
how when where why... is it so.. isnt it the case that you are porbably mixing cultural bias with religion... just a thought!
think about it.
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago
The Prophet Sallallahu Alayihi Wassallam was very hairy, very much, and it is in hadith, in book of bathing in bukhari. This is not a cultural thing, people today do not shave those parts which are to be shaved, but shave those which they should not.
Muhammad Faizan Chaki | 13 years ago
so this means, not shaving chest is good.. the thing is, is shaving it bad!
the prophet didnt use threading to smooth his hairline above his forehead, yet the scholars dont mind it!

the way i see islam, anything not prohibited, either explicitly or implicitly, is fine. shaving chest is not prohibited explicitly... my query would be, is there any implicit reference to its prohibition anywhere.
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago