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3 votes

Marriage Arranged or Love?

Aaquib Naved | 13 years ago


Tags: Society  Relationships  Marriage 


Asked by: Aaquib Naved | 13 years ago | Answers: 19 | Views: 7037


8 votes

Best Answer

Nabeha | 13 years ago

Answered by: Nabeha | 13 years ago

Sumi | 13 years ago
Hey nicely put up. Liked it!
Aaquib Naved | 13 years ago
Thanks :)
Nabeha | 13 years ago

4 votes

Marwa | 13 years ago

Answered by: Marwa | 13 years ago

Oh, I'll try to reply on this one, but it's difficult to :)
We mostly 'know' the person with whom we want to get married to in one way or the other. It could be that our families know each other, our extended relative, friends, etc. Question will remain, how much is needed in order to say that you actually 'know' the person you are planing to marry well enough? And this is something that you may not always find out in advance (before marriage). Thus, the characteristics you look at before marriage are pretty much the common ones and the chances that someone is pretending are high. And yes, while saying all this, I am keeping the religious part in mind. You only have limited access to the person. So, basically the point I am raising here deals with the 'knowing' part.
Sumi | 13 years ago
That is what I mean.. Its better to marry someone you know than someone you don't. After all we all have different preferences in life and what if we find out after marriage that the guy has certain habits which you can't live with. That leads to divorce thus its better to know him first than marry him
Nabeha | 13 years ago
arr. I give up. I think I could not make my point clear, sadly. :p
Sumi | 13 years ago
Hehe NO.. Actually nah, your comment appeared after I added my last comment,thats y it looked awkward :) I fully understand what you are saying but don't agree with it totally as in Pakistan, still many guys and girls don't see each other before marrying and that is a basic reason behind marriage failures.
Nabeha | 13 years ago
Shew. tassali. :D
About the 'not seeing part'. It's sad if that happens, since they have the right to see each other. However, if they themselves decided to find it unnecessary then ...well...Some people manage to still make it work, some can't.
Btw, what's the average age nowadays in Pakistan for getting married? (perhaps should ask it as a separate question). :)
Sumi | 13 years ago

4 votes

Sumi | 13 years ago

This answer has been edited by the user

Answered by: Sumi | 13 years ago

good idea ...
Hassan Ahmed | 13 years ago
Sumi | 13 years ago

3 votes

Hassan Ahmed | 13 years ago

Answered by: Hassan Ahmed | 13 years ago

Sumi | 13 years ago

3 votes

Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

Answered by: Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

:) Gotta love this reply.
Sumi | 13 years ago
thank you.
Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago
Ekdum sahi!
Aaquib Naved | 13 years ago

3 votes

Jawad Ali | 13 years ago

Answered by: Jawad Ali | 13 years ago

Kya baat hai! Jawab.pk par sahi Jawaab!
Aaquib Naved | 13 years ago
nice :)
Nabeha | 13 years ago

3 votes

Angela Weinberger | 13 years ago

Answered by: Angela Weinberger | 13 years ago

May ALLAH save you'll from all the evils and shower his choicest blessings!
Aaquib Naved | 13 years ago
Thank you.
Angela Weinberger | 13 years ago
+1 :)
Nabeha | 13 years ago

2 votes

Osama Afzal | 13 years ago

Answered by: Osama Afzal | 13 years ago

2 votes

Aasiyah Espina | 13 years ago

Answered by: Aasiyah Espina | 13 years ago

2 votes

Tahir Ramzan | 13 years ago

Answered by: Tahir Ramzan | 13 years ago

exactly! disagreements, ego and lack of flexibility will turn a relationship into a mess, no matter what kind it is.
Arslan Majeed | 13 years ago

2 votes

Arslan Majeed | 13 years ago

Answered by: Arslan Majeed | 13 years ago

2 votes

ekasha najam | 12 years ago

Answered by: ekasha najam | 12 years ago

1 votes

Abdullah Najeeb | 13 years ago

Answered by: Abdullah Najeeb | 13 years ago

With no offence, the Chastity of either parties cannot be determined !
Aaquib Naved | 13 years ago
I think he meant to say a Love marriage but in an arranged manner
Hassan Ahmed | 13 years ago
exactly! thank you hassan
Abdullah Najeeb | 13 years ago
ohhh, Abdullah, I did get you. No worries on that....was rather teasing and sorry for that! :)
Sumi | 13 years ago
Abdullah Najeeb | 13 years ago

1 votes

Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago

Answered by: Zainab Hussain | 13 years ago

1 votes

Areeba Khan | 13 years ago

Answered by: Areeba Khan | 13 years ago

1 votes

Waqas Gillani | 13 years ago

Answered by: Waqas Gillani | 13 years ago

Ha Ha. I would go for neither of them. A saaf suthri girl for me.
Aaquib Naved | 13 years ago
Makes sense in some cases..
Arslan Majeed | 13 years ago
saaf suthri ...explain plzzz????
ekasha najam | 12 years ago

1 votes

Aman Chaain | 13 years ago

Answered by: Aman Chaain | 13 years ago

1 votes

Saba | 13 years ago

Answered by: Saba | 13 years ago

0 votes

Mumtaz Khan | 8 years ago

Answered by: Mumtaz Khan | 8 years ago