What is the procedure to get police character certificate (from federal and provincial territories)?
Saad Khalid | 13 years ago
Police character certificate is required for various processes (for example, getting a job in government institutions that are big on security, immigration etc). It guarantees that the given person has no criminal record(s) whatsoever.
Tags: Guide
Asked by: Saad Khalid | 13 years ago | Answers: 1 | Views:
1 votes
Aunabbas | 9 years ago
Its very simple, go to the police station in your area with your ID card and Birth certificate and other Important documents and ask for your character certificate.
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'Achi bachi' is an obedient bachi, who is not much of a trouble-maker, but is sensitive and intelligent enough to understand and silently follow certain 'rules and regulations'. If she does all this, she is respecting her e ...
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