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What is your opinion on introducing new provinces in Pakistan? Will they break Pakistan or will they strengthen it?

Sumi | 13 years ago


Tags: Pakistan  Province  Politics  Ethnicity 


Asked by: Sumi | 13 years ago | Answers: 5 | Views: 8708


6 votes

Osama Shah | 13 years ago

Answered by: Osama Shah | 13 years ago

*speechless* God!! where are we standing right now :(
Awais Amjad | 13 years ago
Naveed Javed | 13 years ago
It's such a beautiful video! Thanks for sharing.
Sumi | 13 years ago

5 votes

Awais Amjad | 13 years ago

Answered by: Awais Amjad | 13 years ago

(1) I am not against provincialism as such if it really serves to enhance effective administration, keep people united and do not give any of those provinces the feeling of being either superior or inferior to each other. (2) I won't be that sure about this point. We have many such examples where divisions are based while considering these issues - good/bad - depends. (3) And once again, people achieve to distract others from more essential topics & problems. How can a coountry progress if it continues using this method instead of actually trying to tackle the problems!? If Pakistan is divided into futher provinces and these provinces work towards betterment - then let it be. However, it is easier said than done and no one can guarantee long-term success.
Sumi | 13 years ago
Do you really think that they way this provincialism is being tried to enforce in our country, it is really meant to improve the administration?? Has anyone of the people who are asking for this divide, ever uttered the words explaining the need for this??
Like how could this help improve things? e.g. Why is there a need for Seraiki Sooba or Thal for that matter? how would it help utilize the resources in a better way or improve administration?
My point here is that for such an effort to be aimed at improvement and betterment we need to have the decision makers, some wise men who actually know what good governance and administration is.
Personally I feel, we are being ruled on a daily basis approach. Thats why i said they are deflecting from the real everyday issues.e.g. Education, Food, Shelter etc
You can understand their mentality from the fact that they always brag about giving identity to Pakhtuns by renaming NWFP to KPK. Now please convince me logically how could that give an identity to Pakhtuns?? The only thing it did was producing another divide in the form of Hazara people who were sitting quiet otherwise.
If anyone of these morons of rulers of ours can convince the people with some actually reason other than the linguistic ones, I'd be very happy to accept as many provinces in Pakistan as they ask for.
See if you try to view from a bigger perspective its just a bloody game of distractions. What difference would it make to Seraiki people if they are living in the Seraiki Province but still dont have food, or water or shelter or electricity and other basic necessities of life. Identity can not fill stomachs.
And Like the Quaid said our identity is 'Pakistani'. They day we actually accept that fact, this debate will be over for good.
Awais Amjad | 13 years ago
I do agree with you (don't think I said I didn't). Point two was more a general comment from my part. Well, obviously there are political agendas behind the divide and assuming that for once our politicians are thinking about the well-being of their fellow citizens would be too good to be true (sorry for these rather harsh words). Those wise men I wonder where they are hiding! A country cannot run without a sincere leader whose only wish is to do his/her best to provide his/her citizens with the basic necessities of life at least - if not more.
Geesh, as an anthropologist, my job would be exactly that which you have mentioned: fieldworkd - go to common people and ask their opinion and get myself informed about what they need. We so nicely assume to know what others think or want without even bothering to ask them.
Role of identity has played a crucial role in history to form nations and support a given ideology - to give this feeling of belonging somewhere and being respected for who/what one is. Discourses related to identity show that it is no less than another weapon to win people - as people always need a certain varification/confirmation of their identity and where they belong to. Thus, even if as such there is no need for a Seraiki Sooba or Thal, people will be made to believe that there is with arguments that are easily accepted by them - and believe me, that could be any kind of argument (regardless how absurd it may sound in the end).
Sumi | 13 years ago
So I understand that identity is a weapon that can at any given time be used for exploitation of emotions. So that makes it even more sensitive a decision then and what it really seems like is kids playing with fire. Lets see who gets burnt this time :(
Awais Amjad | 13 years ago
yup :/
Sumi | 13 years ago

2 votes

Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

Answered by: Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago

Recently I read somewhere something about cultural neutralization and the need of isolation so that the country could function properly and I believe you would support this ideology too? I am a supporter of cultural diversification (being an anthropologst myself), so I am still pondering on this issue. I feel, the issue we need to deal with is the lack of respect and tolerance for each other rather than dividing the country further into "pieces" and assuming that would solve our problems since people would be more satisfied thereafter. Human beings hardly ever feel satisfied with what they have - new wishes and problems emerge constantly. Unity is what we need and that cannot be achieved if everyone is only striving for his/her (different) personal agendas. Yes, we have examples of countries where provincialism apparently seems to work - look at how China manages to stay united. I suppose, in the end, it's the motive/purpose that will be essential as anything done with sincerity while being well-intended, can generate the outcome we all hope for - UNITY.
Sumi | 13 years ago
my answer was based on an idealist approach. and if you skim the situation from top, the obvious answer is division. the provinces are just too big, and a country composed of too few entities has alot to lose if one becomes dissident for example.
i particularly dislike the 'china example' as i call it. if i am presented with a magic genie who asks me whether i want pakistan to become like china or would i like it to continue as it is, i would surely go for it being as it is. coz the way we are, we can change, but once you become china, there is no going back. the life of a common chinese man is miserable (and i do have chinese friends), although maybe better than a common pakistani but there seems no way that his condition will be getting any better in the near future atleast. i hate that system of govt and i hate the policies it enacts upon its people. a good way of suicide would be to hold an anti govt banner in a chinese square.
as for unity, in my knowledge the happiest people in the world are the citizens of countries with a loose federation (strong states and weak center), and the states are so many that none of them has power to challenge the solidarity of the whole country. examples being US, germany, switzerland etc.
but yeah we are <toont>s, and hence sindhi balochi punjabi and pashtun rights!!! thats why i say 'when culture instead of being celebrated becomes the cause of saggreggation, i say kill it, mercilessly.'
my vote is for the division to the very basic level so that the common man can feel his input to the govt and see its immediate results. there wont be any quarrel on who gets the bigger share, every entity will earn for itself and contribute to the center. my taxes then will go to the free state of Mardan and the mayor of bajawar agency will enact policies to attract bussinesses from karachi and lahore and peshawar. it will be a healthy competition.

man i write so much! lol
Ali Iqbal | 13 years ago
hehe, yeah - I think you are planning to compete with me (my long replies) :D

I find your line of argumentation quite interesting and it has its own validity. Need some time to think...! :)
Sumi | 13 years ago

0 votes

Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

Answered by: Khawaja Naveed Haider | 13 years ago

0 votes

aiRbornE | 13 years ago

Answered by: aiRbornE | 13 years ago