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Why can't Muslims have dogs as pets?

Sohail | 12 years ago

I recently tweeted this question:

I got mixed answers..

Is it a sin?? People say that having a dog IN the house takes all the "Burqutt" away?? Or "Rehmat Ka Farishta" can't come??


Tags: Religion 


Asked by: Sohail | 12 years ago | Answers: 6 | Views: 7218


2 votes

Sumi | 12 years ago

Answered by: Sumi | 12 years ago

0 votes

Umer Hassan | 12 years ago

Answered by: Umer Hassan | 12 years ago

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Sana MAK | 12 years ago

Answered by: Sana MAK | 12 years ago

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Nabeha | 12 years ago

Answered by: Nabeha | 12 years ago

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Muhammad Faizan Chaki | 12 years ago

Answered by: Muhammad Faizan Chaki | 12 years ago

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ekasha najam | 12 years ago

Answered by: ekasha najam | 12 years ago